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96. Wildly Special

There is something wildly special about you.

As a part of a leadership program years ago, I was asked to write a personal brand statement.

What is my personal brand today?

What do I want my personal brand to be going forward?

What do I represent?

When my name is spoken or written, how do people feel, think and talk about me?

What are my best attributes?

What are worst attributes?

One of the best things about this exercise was the task to text and e-mail a dozen friends, colleagues and family members to get a list of adjectives to describe me. I just asked for single words and then I got to use these words to create an aspirational brand statement.

There is something wildly special about you. If you are wondering what is so damn special or doubting this, please pull out your phone and draft a text or email to some of your people. Tell them you are working on a project and need your help. Here you go. #noexcuses #gettowork

"Hey There, I am working on a project and need your help. When you think about me and what I represent in this world to you and to others, what words or attributes immediately come to mind? I don't need sentences; single words are fine. Thank you for your help."

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